Seminar in Applied Microeconomics - Virtual Assembly and Discussion (SAMVAAD) is a platform for faculty and researchers in India to present their work and get feedback from the applied micro community. The online seminars are coordinated by Sabyasachi Das and Aaditya Dar and conducted once a month in association with SERI. To receive Zoom links, please sign up for the mailing list. Schedule for upcoming SAMVAADs:

Date Time Speaker(s) Paper
22 Sep 2022 6 PM IST Deepti Goel (APU) Did the nation-wide implementation of e-FMS in MGNREGS result in reduced expenditures? A re-examination of the evidence (joint with J.V. Meenakshi and Zaeen de Souza)
13 Oct 2022 6 PM IST Anand Shrivastava (APU) Friends in high places: Social connections and distress borrowing during Covid-19 (joint with Girish Bahal and Zaeen de Souza)
17 Nov 2022 6 PM IST Sutirtha Bandyopadhyay (IIM Indore) TBD

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